
Comprehensive Medical Advice on Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas. We distinguish the acute and chronic forms of the disease. The causes are varied, gall stones, infections, alcohol, high blood fats, autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis), tumors, drugs can lead to pancreatitis.

The pancreas has many functions. On the one hand, the pancreas is essential for the production of digestive enzymes (exocrine function), on the other hand, it is very important for the regulation of glucose metabolism (endocrine function).

The normal functions can be seriously disturbed by an inflammation – those affected often suffer from pain, digestive disorders (bloating, diarrhea, fatty stools), disturbance of the blood sugar regulation (diabetes), and unintended weight loss. As a consequence, it can also cause cysts (pseudocysts), abscesses, and obstruction of the bile duct with jaundice.

The variety of possible causes and symptoms and the complexity of diagnosis and treatment often lead to new questions:

  • What is pancreatitis ?
  • Are there different forms of the disease?
  • What symptoms may occur?
  • How is pancreatitis diagnosed?
  • What kind of medical examinations should be carried out?
  • What laboratory tests are important?
  • What do the lab results tell about my disease?
  • What will happen during the course of the disease?
  • When is surgery  necessary and useful?
  • What medications are useful?
  • Do I need a special diet?
  • How high is my risk of developing diabetes mellitus?
  • Do I need to avoid alcohol for good?
  • Do I have to be afraid of a relapse?
  • What kind of medical check-ups should be done?
  • Where can I find a specialized center?
  • How can I help myself?

We devote our time to your questions. Well-versed physicians advise you with best care and high expertise. We customize the counseling to your specific individual needs and wishes. Your questions about your disease and the appropriate treatment will be answered comprehensively. Our emphasis is on your well-being: Our commitment is the quality of your everyday life coming along with best treatment of your disease. We supply you with the newest information. We take responsibility for the organzation of your therapy and arrange the necessary appointments. We will act as your medical advisor and attend to you as long as qou feel the need.

For a preliminary talk just call us. You can specify your questions and communicate your individual needs. A date agreement is always manageable at short notice. During working-days, you can call us from 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. At 0049-6221-7263888. The preliminary talk is free of charge. Or, send us your request by email . We will answer each request.

Medical Consulting Center PatientCONSULT Ltd., Sofienstraße 13, 69115 Heidelberg, GERMANY, phone +49 6221 72 63 888, fax +49 6221 72 63 889, e-mail