For Patients
We advise patients with long-term or difficult health issues and chronic illnesses. The special thing about us is that we take time to listen seriously to your questions and to go through the history of your illness. Your personal situation and circumstances are important to us. We are medical doctors with years of experience in consulting and working with patients. We take great care to provide you with extensive and reliable information about your illness and the various types of treatment available.
As an independent center, we look for the treatment that best suits your case and personal references. Your well-being is our top priority. Our goal is to provide you with more quality living, combined with the optimum therapy for your illness.
At your request, we can also organize appointments involving diagnosis and treatments to relieve your load.
Our Service for You
A preliminary conversation about your questions, desires and worries and the possibilities we offer of providing assistance to you is free of charge.
Medical Consultation
- Lengthy conversation about your personal situation: medical diagnosis, course of the illness up to date, personal particularities and everyday demands
- The doctors’ letters and examination reports will be carefully studied
- Clarification of possibilities for treatment and possible side effects of a therapy – if needed, more information will be provided
- Consultation with lots of time for your questions, adjusting various medical options to your personal needs, as well as answering any questions that are still unclear. What does this illness mean for my everyday life? Which treatment is best for me? How long will it last? Are regular check-ups necessary? What can I do to make myself feel a bit better? What is to be expected afterwards?/How will things proceed? Will I be able to go back to my job? What changes will I have to make?
Continuous Medical Support
We will provide support and consulting throughout the course of your illness. Coordination and planning of examinations and treatments in contact with the doctors treating you. We will discuss your results and ailments, answer any new questions that arise and support you with advice regarding all questions in dealing with your illness in everyday life.
The preliminary talk is always free. After this, each patient will receive a personal, binding offer for consultation.
We will be pleased to answer any questions you have – simply give us a call. It is always possible to make an appointment, even at short notice. You can reach us by calling 06221-72 63 888 on Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Feel free to speak openly about your questions and wishes. Then we will be able to tell you which information we need to advise you properly. This preliminary consultation on the phone is free of charge. Or send us an e-mail at . This e-mail address is protected against spam mail! You must activate JavaScript in order to see it. We will answer every inquiry.
Prolonged Health Problems
The customary procedure in the German health system is not designed for the special situation of patients with prolonged and chronic illnesses. There are considerable deficits regarding information and communication among those working in the system (Krankenhaus-Report ´99; Schattauer-Verlag 2000). Medical treatments are often not well coordinated, thus the result of the treatment is frequently not satisfactory (according to the German Medical Journal (Deutsches Ärzteblatt, August 2, 2001). Furthermore, medical treatments do not take the patient’s everyday life circumstances into account, thus often remaining ineffective.
There are many questions left unanswered for the patient. At first, there is the question as to which medical diagnostic investigation and treatment are the best. Next, the question of how the illness and its consequences can be integrated into the reality of everyday life. Do normal routines (family, meals, leisure, etc.) need to be changed? Is it possible to continue working in the same profession? How can side effects of a treatment be kept to a minimum? How can I regain my energy level?
PatientCONSULT is able to help you by offering careful and competent consultation.