Anxiety disorder
Comprehensive Medical Advice on Anxiety Disorders
Approximately 10% of the population in Germany suffer from anxiety disorders. The transition from a reasonable fear to pathological anxiety is fluid. Anxiety disorders are always associated with unpleasant physical reactions such as dizziness, sweating, heart palpitations, nausea, shortness of breath … The fear can suddenly occur as a panic attack without any external cause – or, they can be tied to specific situations such as fear of heights, claustrophobia or as an ongoing concern associated with restlessness and tension. Anxiety disorders can be triggered by critical life ivents such as physical illnesses (eg, hyperthyroidism), stressful life situations, loss of a loved person… The anxiety disorder can also occur without any traceable cause as an independent disease.
Anxiety disorders can interfere with daily life and work ability significantly. Nevertheless, it is difficult for many people to look for the appropriate care. They will experience the anxiety and shame as a weakness and find it difficult to talk about it. Or they experience the symptoms as an actual physical illness and do not feel like they are taken seriously when the doctor speaks of a psychological cause of their complaints.
Untreated anxiety disorders tend to become chronic. Psychotherapy and / or drugs improve the condition and the chances of curing. A careful and individualized diagnosis and treatment is needed.
Our doctors are highly experienced with the treatment of mental illnesses. Our doctors (eg, a specialist in neurology) will advise you to find a way out of your anxiety disorder.
We take time for your questions:
- Is there help for me?
- Do I suffer from an anxiety disorder?
- Will I be able to live without fear?
- Are panic attacks dangerous?
- What physical examinations are useful?
- What can I do by myself?
- Do relaxation techniques help me?
- Does medication help me?
- What side effects can I expect?
- Can I become dependent?
- Would psychotherapy be useful for me?
- What can I expect from psychotherapy?
- How long does a treatment take?
- How can I cope with my everyday life better?
We devote our time to your questions. Well-versed physicians advise you with best care and high expertise. We customize the counseling to your specific individual needs and wishes. Your questions about your disease and the appropriate treatment will be answered comprehensively. Our emphasis is on your well-being: Our commitment is the quality of your everyday life coming along with best treatment of your disease. We supply you with the newest information. We take responsibility for the organzation of your therapy and arrange the necessary appointments. We will act as your medical advisor and attend to you as long as qou feel the need.
For a preliminary talk just call us. You can specify your questions and communicate your individual needs. A date agreement is always manageable at short notice. During working-days, you can call us from 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. At 0049-6221-7263888. The preliminary talk is free of charge. Or, send us your request by email . We will answer each request.
Medical Consulting Center PatientCONSULT Ltd., Sofienstraße 13, 69115 Heidelberg, GERMANY, phone +49 6221 72 63 888, fax +49 6221 72 63 889, e-mail